Student Organizations

In addition to the Associação dos Estudantes do IST (AEIST), Técnico students have been creating a vibrant community of student organizations, made up of students from all courses.
Some organizations are specific to the courses, others are transversal to any course and focused on project activities, entrepreneurship, culture or sport.
These cores promote a set of activities that complement your skills, to make your early career even more competitive for the job market.
Active organizations:
AeroTéc – Núcleo de Estudantes de Engenharia Aeroespacial
BEST Lisboa – Board of European Students of Technology
Diferencial – Jornal do Estudantes do IST
ETIST – Equipa de Ténis do Instituto Superior Técnico
Fórum Civil – Associação de Estudantes de Engenharia Civil
Fórum Mecânica – Núcleo de Estudantes de Engenharia Mecânica
GameDev – Núcleo GameDev do IST
GEST – Grupo de Estratégia, Simulação e Táctica
JUNITEC – Júnior Empresas do Instituto Superior Técnico
LAGE2 – Lab. de Apoio à Gestão de Actividades Extracurriculares dos Estudantes
N3E – Núcleo de Estudantes de Engenharia Electrónica
NAEN – Núcleo de Alunos de Engenharia Naval
NAF – Núcleo de Arte Fotográfica
NEAIST – Núcleo de Estudantes Africanos do IST
NEB – Núcleo de Engenharia Biológica
NEBM – Núcleo de Engenharia Biomédica
NEEA – Núcleo de Estudantes de Engenharia do Ambiente
NEECIST – Núcleo de Estudantes de Electrotécnica e Computadores
NEEGI – Núcleo de Estudantes Engenharia e Gestão Industrial
NEETI – Núcleo de Estudantes de Engenharia de Telecomunicações e Informática
NEIIST – Núcleo Estudantil de Informática
NEMat – Núcleo de Estudantes de Materiais
NEQIST – Núcleo de Engenharia Química
NETEC – Núcleo de Energia do Técnico
NMATH – Núcleo de Estudantes de Matemática do IST
NucleAr – Núcleo de Estudantes de Arquitectura
PSEM – Projecto de Sustentabilidade Energética Móvel
QueerIST – Núcleo Queer do IST
SSETI-IST – Student Space Exploration and Technology Initiative
Systems Group – Junior Enterprise Association
TLMoto – Projecto Técnico Lisboa Moto
TFIST – Tuna Feminina do Instituto Superior Técnico
TUIST – Tuna Universitária do Instituto Superior Técnico
To collaborate with the Student Organization teams, you can contact them directly through the contacts provided, or be aware of recruitment periods through their social networks.

To streamline and facilitate the creation of student organizations, the platform “Técnico Student Clubs” was developed, allowing, with low bureaucratic effort, small groups of students to form teams officially recognized by IST and to benefit from:
- Resources, such as IST spaces and support for activities;
- Recognition as “Técnico Students’ Club”.
From entrepreneurship to IT, you can create a club where your idea can go further!
Active clubs:
- Clube de Estudantes “Security Team” do Técnico
- Clube de Estudantes BET do Técnico
- Clube de Estudantes de Data Science do Técnico
- Clube de Estudantes de Proteção e Segurança Radiológica do Técnico
- PharmaTec – Clube de Estudantes de Engenharia Farmacêutica do Técnico
- Técnico Student Club on Mental Health and Inclusion
- Técnico Asian Student Club
- Técnico PhD Student Club
In order to proceed with the application, you must take into account the following points:
- Proceed with filling out the form;
- The club must be, with duly justified exceptions, composed exclusively of Técnico students;
- The club must be formed by a minimum of 3 students;
- The group may count on the collaboration of one or more Técnico professors.
There will be two admission periods for applications for new clubs:
Normal period:
- Application submission: Until October 15, 2021
- Analysis of applications and meetings with the NPE: From 15 to 12 November 2021
- Publication of results: By November 12, 2021
Here you can find the Regulations for Técnico Student Clubs, where all the information necessary for the registration, proper functioning and fulfilment of rights and duties is detailed.