
Técnico has been developing a strategy to promote the creation of value within its entire academic community, focusing on innovation and entrepreneurship as catalysts for technology transfer and boosting the economic value of the recognized quality of the research and training it offers.
Students, researchers and teachers will be the main players in a process that generates wealth, as the knowledge and skills acquired throughout their career at Técnico are an asset, and for this reason, they have come to occupy a prominent space in an increasingly global and competitive market. In this context, and bearing in mind the importance of creating a framework for attributing incentives to innovation, the present regulation was created for granting support for the development of innovative ideas by Instituto Superior Técnico (TecInnov).
TecInnov Competition – Técnico Students Organisations
TecInnov Innovation Challenges
- Despacho 122/2017 – Regulamento TecInnov (PDF, 1044KB)
- Regulamento TecInnov – Diário da Républica (PDF, 231KB)
- TecInnov Guidelines (EN) (PDF, 269KB)
- Ficha Candidatura TecInnov (DOC, 54KB)
- Application Form TecInnov (DOC, 55KB)
Last editions
For more information, please contact:
Rita Joana Silva
Área de Transferência de Técnologia
Email: tt@tecnico.ulisboa.pt | tlf: 218 419 300