Intellectual Property

Técnico manages its Intellectual Property, protecting inventions or creations that are the total or partial responsibility of members of its community, and for which the possibility of economic exploitation is foreseen.
Inventors should contact the Intellectual Property Office of the Technology Transfer Office.
IST Intellectual Property Regulation
IST has an intellectual property regulation, approved by its President on July 15, 2010, through Order No. 12823/2010, published in the Diário da República, 2nd Series, No. 153, of August 9, 2010 and amended by nº 9109/2015, published in the Diário da República, 2nd Series, nº 157, of August 13, 2015. The content of this regulation is important for all IST collaborators (students, teachers, researchers and other employees), as well as for all entities that interact with the School.
To help analyze the regulation, a summary document (PDF, 96KB) was prepared and it is advisable to consult the frequently asked questions about IST’s intellectual property.
IP Talks
IP Talks are informal sessions that take place at lunchtime, organized by the Intellectual Property Unit of Técnico’s Technology Transfer Office, aimed at the entire academic community, with a focus on researchers, professors, PhD students and all those who carry out work or have an interest in the subject of Intellectual Property.
Sessions last about two hours (including time for discussion and questions) and revolve around a relevant topic in the field of Intellectual Property. New dates coming soon.
For more information and initiatives related to Intellectual Property, click here.
For questions or concerns, contact