
We welcome you to Técnico Career Center!
Here you can find all the career development initiatives promoted by the platform, from activities to enrich your soft skills, to specialized workshops or breakfasts with Técnico alumni.
Discover more and start discovering your future now!

The Career Training Workshops are back for another edition and promise to be your greatest ally at the start of this journey!
For the upcoming edition, we have prepared a session that will help you enhance your oral presentations, pitches, and much more!
How to effectively interact with your audience & leverage vocal tone and body language by CISCO
February 18
5:30 PM
Room V1.06 (Civil Eng. Pav.)
In this session, Cisco professionals will provide you with tools to enhance your communication skills. From vocal tone to body language, you will learn the most effective ways to engage an audience.
Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to gain valuable insights and tools that can boost your career prospects. Sign up as soon as possible because spots are limited, and these sessions are highly sought after.

The applications for the “Pan-European Seal Professional Traineeship Programme” are open! It’s an internship program offered jointly by the European Patent Office (EPO) and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) for students and alumni of some of the largest European universities, including Técnico Lisboa.
What is the programme and what is its purpose?
Professional Trainee
EPO Munich or EUIPO Alicante
12 month
1.200 – 2.200 EUR /month
Starting September 2025
How can I apply?
Candidates can only be accepted if proposed by their university.
You (IST Student or alumnus) can apply for the consideration of Instituto Superior Técnico, until 18th of February 2025, through this form.
A Launching Session where you can know more about this program will take place on 5th February 2025 at 10:00 a.m.. Zoom application. Registration is required.
If you have any doubts please send an email to pi@tecnico.ulisboa.pt
Next Events
February & March 2025 |
Feb. 18th | Career Training Workshop “How to effectively interact with your audience & How to leverage vocal tone and body language techniques” by Cisco | Applications |
March 13th | Visita à Refinaria Galp de Sines | Sold out |
March 14th and 15th | Talent Bootcamp@Técnico | Applications Soon |
March 18th | Sessão de Esclarecimento sobre os Estágios de Verão | Applications Soon |