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Summer Internships

What is it?

One way to enrich your resume is to enrol in a summer internship within a company between the months of July and August.

The Técnico Summer Internships initiative celebrates 11 years in 2023. During this period more than 1700 students underwent a summer internship under this program, with 80% doing so in the last 4 years, denoting the initiative growth. In 2020 we had more than 200 summer internship offers and 2615 applications for these offers from about 516 of our students, which is indicative of the evolution and current dynamics of the program.

This program is the result of a close collaboration between the Técnico Career Center team and the Técnico students organizations involved in the ISTSI team. In 2022, the following organizations were involved in this team: AeroTéc; Fórum Civil; Fórum Mecânica; N3E; NAEN; NEB; NEBM; NEEA; NEECIST; NEEGI; NEIIST; NEQIST; NFIST; NMATH; Nuclear; NUMIST


If you’re not sure which area you’d like to work in, this is a great way to test your knowledge and maybe even try out areas where you never thought of working.

These internships will be important to get to know the business reality, as well as an opportunity for companies to contact students who do not spend part of their vacation period to apply their knowledge and have contact with a new environment. Integration into a work team, where there are new challenges every day, will complement your academic training and may give you new perspectives in learning the subjects.


The Técnico Summer Internships will have a new edition in 2024.
Dates and information coming soon.

Who has access to the program:

  • All students attending Instituto Superior Técnico;
  • All students with mobility agreements who are not registered to obtain an academic degree are excluded from the program;
  • They are mainly recommended for students from the 2nd year onwards, but first year students are also invited to participate;
  • Students with a completed course, in this case alumni, cannot participate in the program.


You can apply for internship offers through the Técnico Job Bank. If you still don’t have access to Técnico Job Bank, don’t waste any more time, follow the instructions here to access the platform and be prepared!

Important Dates:

  • Internship offers submission: April 12
  • Student applications: April 15 to May 5
  • Application Results: by May 17
  • Contract Signing: by May 31
  • Summer Internships: June 3 to August 31, 2024

Clarification Session

March 20th | 12:00 | Anfiteatro Abreu Faro, Complexo Interdisciplinar

Registrations Soon.

Video tutorial

So that you don’t miss any steps on your application, we have prepared this video with all the necessary steps to participate in Técnico Summer Internships.

Past Editions

April 2nd, 2019 – “Técnico Summer Internships – um programa que entusiasma cada vez mais alunos” (PT)

March 20th, 2018 -”Hundreds of students interested in Técnico Summer Internships

Useful links & Additional Materials

Técnico Job Bank guide.

Técnico Summer Internships Program Presentation 2023 

Additional information

Regularization of internships is carried out with the signing of a short-term contract, which allows the coverage by the School Insurance. The internship contract defines the duration of the internship, the start and end dates of the internship, the location and work schedule, as well as the internship scholarship (if applicable). An internship plan must be presented by the company with identification of the supervisor and definition of the internship objectives.

Check the FAQ’s or Presentation Summer Internships_2022 (portuguese version)

Other questions send us an email.

Career Center Team


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